Building Connections Through Handwritten Postcards and Tea Adventures

I've been writing postcards to customers who have ordered tea, and I’m about to start again. So far this year, I’ve written 229 postcards, and I want to send a huge thank you to everyone who ordered tea! The postcard was designed by Claire Christy-Tirado to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, inspired by my "Kissed by the Dragon" talk. I’m planning to give that talk on my YouTube channel soon.

Now, I want to share a story about the power of these postcards and why I write them.

When I first opened my tea shop, I had a personal connection with every customer who walked through the door. I knew their names, their tea preferences, and often even shared stories with them over a cup of tea. But as the business grew, from one shop to two, and as we expanded, I started to lose track of who my customers were. I really didn’t like that feeling. One of the reasons I started J-Tea was to create a community around tea—a connection between me and the people who drink my tea.

So, to bring that connection back, I developed some tools to maintain those relationships, and the postcard is one of them. It’s my way of either creating or maintaining a personal bond with the people who enjoy J-Tea. Today, our teas are sold in stores all over the state, and we ship all over the country through our online business. It’s probably not realistic for me to know every single person who’s sipping J-Tea, but with each postcard I send, I’m trying to build a bridge—to establish a personal point of contact.

I genuinely enjoy writing these postcards, and that’s why I do it. It’s the same reason I make YouTube videos. For some reason, I just love creating this kind of content. It helps me feel connected, and I hope it helps others feel connected too.

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with consistency in my content creation. I plan to upload a video every Tuesday at 2 PM for the next 10 years, and I’m also blogging every day for 100 days straight. If you’d like to support my efforts, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment! I have some exciting adventures ahead, and I can’t wait to share them with you.

Let’s enjoy this journey together. Cheers!