Tea of the Day

Today I am drinking a very special tea that came to me as I was doing some writing on tea. On this particular day, as I was perusing the tea shop shelves, this tea jumped out at me. I love Li Shan in its roasted form.
Roasted Li Shan: I will start with a Roasted Li Shan that comes to us from a fourth generation tea farmer in Taiwan. Expertly grown and roasted, I feel very lucky to have this tea and to be able to offer this tea to J-TEA supporters.
The aroma is a fruit filled bouquet, caramel candy, and dried flowers. The flavor hits with an initial pleasant toasted rice. It has a creamy mouth feel. The feeling of this tea is somewhat transcendental. Each sip is a journey, and it is as if it takes you down a path, so that the tea is leading you to a specific place. A nice place in nature. There is so much to see on the way, and the journey is filled with an adventure of the senses. It conjures up images of friendly forest spirits playing on the path. It is as if heaven and earth came together and decided to make an amazing creation for us humans to enjoy. The truth is that something like this would not exist without the accumulated knowledge of four generations. This tea is more refined than wild, but the effect is physical euphoria.
Brew Tips for Roasted Li Shan: Use roughly 8g of tea in a porcelain cupping set (120ml). Water Temperature: Use water right off the boil. Steep Time: Steep for close to one minute. Repeat this process, reinfusing with hot water for several infusions, each infusion no more than a minute for the first few and then adding some time if it feels necessary as the flavor of this tea begins to fade.
We sell other roasted oolongs, but this is pretty unique tea. The smoothness and at the same time rich flavor and texture make this tea one of my favorites in this category.
Oolong tea, like roasted Li Shan, is known for boosting metabolism, aiding digestion, and providing antioxidants. It is both delicious and health enhancing.
What are your experiences with Roasted Li Shan or other oolong teas? Please share your thoughts and brewing tips in the comments below. For more insights on tea brewing techniques, check out our additional resources: