Tea Blog
One of the hardest things about running J-Tea is that the tea we sell is so damn good. You’d think that would make things easy, but the reality is that running a business takes time—time t…

The Journey of Celestial House Roast Oolong
Recently, I roasted an oolong in the Teahouse and documented the process in a YouTube video. This project was one of the longest I've ever worked on, as the footage spanned about a month and a half. R…

With Regard for Raw Puer
“Hey Josh, I saw your video on Puer tea cakes. That stuff looks interesting! Does it taste good?”“No”“Sold!”So what is it about this category of tea, that has me sipping it almost every single day? I…

Tea Tasting 101: The 5 S’s (borrowed from wine)
Tea tasting doesn’t have to be intimidating or snobbish. By using the 5 S’s (see, shake, sniff, sip, and savor), you’ll be able to get the most out of any cup of tea, especially J-TEA. Not only will y…
Kissed by the Dragon -} Chasing the Dragon —-}
I left off at the part where I was describing the values of cupping tea.I had one tea teacher tell me that cupping tea is like doing your homework. You have to know what 5g of tea is, you have to know…