Running a Successful Tea Business
One of the hardest things about running J-Tea is that the tea we sell is so damn good. You’d think that would make things easy, but the reality is that running a business takes time—time that could otherwise be spent just sitting and drinking really good tea.
And as you and I both know, that’s a very important use of time. Drinking good tea. Letting it wash over you. Feeling good. Because in today’s world, if there isn’t time to feel good, then what’s the point?
Recently, I came across a different way of thinking about business and life in general. It’s not the typical linear approach—set a goal, work toward the goal, achieve the goal—that's often emphasized in the U.S. Instead, it’s about meandering with focus.
We have a focus. We have a mission. The goal? To introduce as many people as possible—maybe a million, maybe a thousand—to really good tea. Because what’s the alternative? Commodity tea. Tea that’s just fine. Tea that isn’t worth getting excited about.
But a tea that transforms your day? That’s worth getting excited about. That’s worth sharing. That’s worth helping people discover.
So, we have the focus. Now we get to meander. And what does that mean?
It means we spend our time writing blog posts, making YouTube videos, calling accounts, hosting tasting events, inviting people into the shop, and surprising them with a sip of tea. These are the focused activities that take up 90% of my workday. And therein lies the challenge: When do I get to sit down and just drink really good tea?
It’s not just about me, but let’s be honest—this tea has a hold on me. I do my best to get all the work done, but at the same time, I need to chill out and enjoy some really good tea.
This might sound like I’m talking about work-life balance, but I’m not. I’m not as concerned with balance as I am with fulfilling my higher purpose. And sometimes, that higher purpose is simply getting high on really good tea. Because that’s what the moment calls for. That’s what the vibration demands. That’s the gateway—the layer to pass through—that allows for a higher level of communication, a deeper transmission of the good tea waves.
And that, right there, is what it means to meander with focus.